Power Tools 1993 October - Disc 2
Power Tools (Disc 2)(October 1993)(HP).iso
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Picture 1. International Standards
In a world where the economy is becoming increasingly global,
communications is the key to competitiveness. Businesses
require extensive, timely and accurate information exchange.
Vast amounts of data need to be processed, formatted and
transferred across departmental barriers, corporate entities
and even international frontiers.
No single vendor of computer equipment can meet the needs of
the entire marketplace. Thus, a computer and communications
user need to "mix and match" components from several
suppliers to effectively distribute applications across
multiple platforms.
This diversity of equipment quickly generates a need for
standardized communications networks as users face the
reality of incompatible hardware and software from a
multitude of sources.
Standardized networks can take any of three forms; dependence
on a single vendor, if a proprietary networking solution is
chosen throughout the system, implementations of de facto
standards, or true multivendor networking based on
international standards.
In the first case, the supplier with the largest installed
base will benefit handsomely, while other suppliers are
forced to follow suit. In the second case, a middle ground is
chosen, but typically only some suppliers will be able to
provide adequate product offerings, and possess the necessary
skills to configure, maintain and grow the network as
business expands.
In the third case internationally agreed upon standards form
the framework of the communications backbone. This is the
Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) case, the use of
internationally agreed upon standards for multivendor
What does OSI offer its users? Consider the following
Five organizations interact in a global marketplace; a
manufacturer of finished goods, a distribution center, a
sales outlet, a supplier of raw materials, and a financial
institution. The manufacturing company has recently developed
a new product, XYZ, and is now actively seeking customers
across the world.
Picture 2. Intercompany Communications Today
The sales outlet receives a request for product information
from one of its customers. Some of the desired information is
immediately available, but a key component is lacking; the
new pricing structure. A request for pricing information is
sent off to the manufacturing entity, asking for an update.
The manufacturing company stores product information in a
central database; a huge file with new prices, options and
quantity discounts. In response to the request from the sales
office, this information is dispatched over the corporate OSI
network, using the OSI File Transfer, Access and Management
protocol, FTAM.
The manufacturing company decides to make sure sufficient
quantities of product XYZ can be made available to the sales
office to meet the expected demand. It sends a query off to
the local distribution center, asking how much of product
XYZ, option ABC is available. The distribution center
responds via electronic mail.
For this simple exchange, no file transfers need occur. A
basic store and forward mechanism for data exchange is
sufficient. The applicable OSI service is the CCITT X.400 set
of protocols.
Assuming the distribution center does not have sufficient
quantities of the product in stock, the manufacturing company
decides to make additional quantities to meet the expected
demand. Raw materials need to be ordered from a supplier and
shipped to a production center. Orders have to be generated,
bills of material need filling out, and invoices must be
paid. Ordering and invoicing are considerably more complex
tasks than file transfer or electronic messaging. Basic OSI
services need to be supplemented by additional functionality
to handle business applications of this kind.
This additional functionality is provided by a translation
service called Electronic Data Interchange, EDI. An EDI
translator uses X.400 as its transport mechanism. There is
now a UN standard called Electronic Data Interchange For
Administration, Commerce and Trade, EDIFACT, which is rapidly
being deployed around the world.
EDIFACT not only formats data. It also includes facilities
for copying messages to multiple locations. This is typically
used for providing banks with the transaction data necessary
to complete the financial portion of a deal. When a bank
receives EDI information, it will extract the applicable data
and transfer the correct funds from one account to another.
Today, OSI does not have a specific protocol that would
simplify processing of financial transactions such as this.
The final step in this business example would thus be handled
by proprietary or de facto standard network protocols. As
will be shown later in this presentation, future OSI
protocols will soon address this need.
Picture 3. Intracompany Communications Today
OSI services are useful not only between remote locations,
over wide area networks, or WANs, but are also highly
applicable within a manufacturing entity. Expanding the
example above to include intracompany communications within a
production center, the following scenario evolves;
A plant floor operator receives an X.400 message, stating
that a production run needs to be made of product XYZ, with
options ABC and in quantity N. The operator will transfer
job data, specifying the what, when and where's to a
production cell controller.
As this would typically be in the form of a set of
instructions, arranged in a file, FTAM would be the
applicable OSI protocol.
The cell controller downloads instructions to the factory
floor equipment. These instructions are real-time commands,
such as start, stop, open, close etc.
OSI provides a generic set of semantics for communications
between intelligent factory floor devices. More than eighty
specific commands are included in the OSI Manufacturing
Messaging Specification, MMS, used for shop floor control
MMS commands also enable upload of data, from programmable
logic controllers, PLCs, or numerical controllers, NCs, on
either a continuous basis, or in response to alarm triggers.
In certain cases, such as large production cell, a large
number of intelligent devices are interconnected. For the
cell controller to find the correct device, a directory
service may be a necessary addition. OSI provides this
functionality through the use of the OSI Directory Services
protocol, X.500.
Once the production run is finished, a bill of material is
sent to the scheduling computer, the area manager. Since the
amount of data to be transferred is likely to be large, the
OSI file transfer protocol, FTAM, will again be the most
applicable service to use.
If an insufficient quantity has been produced, or additional
demand has materialized, the Area Manager may decide to
initiate a new production run. For this purpose, more raw
material will be needed, and an EDIFACT message will be sent
to the supplier, commencing a new production cycle.
Picture 4 - 5. Coming OSI Services
The OSI Directory Services specification to be used in
conjunction with the electronic mail service has recently
become an International Standard, or IS. Electronic Mail
users will thus be able to add X.500 to their existing X.400
services. This will make implementations of large scale X.400
backbones a valid proposition.
In addition, OSI protocols to handle transaction processing
will soon become available. This will enable the bank in the
example above to use OSI Transaction Processing, TP, for the
transfer of funds, rather than proprietary or de facto
transfer mechanisms.
OSI is also adding functionality to the factory floor
applications environment. The OSI Virtual Terminal protocol
enables operators to better monitor the operations, and to
address certain output from the process to, for example,
slaved printers.
The MMS protocol is being enhanced through the addition of a
range of companion standards. These additions initially
include commands that are specific to the operation of
programmable logic controllers, numerical controllers and
Picture 6. Technology Trends
As shown in the example above, OSI provides a wide range of
functionality, applicable to various areas of business. In
fact, OSI today encompasses more than 80 different standards,
that can be combined into so called profiles. Profiles
address specific needs of an industry, or an application
environment and specify a given subset of the wide range of
OSI services.
Through mandatory profiles, OSI is rapidly becoming THE
multivendor protocol, surpassing de facto standards such as
TCP/IP or NetBIOS in functionality and versatility. Other de
facto standards, such as DECnet and SNA offer additional
functionality, but are considerably less multivendor than
OSI. The multivendor aspect of DECnet, as well as that of
SNA, is now being addressed through the gradual incorporation
of OSI services into the two proprietary architectures.
OSI is rapidly moving in two directions; towards increased
functionality and towards increased multivendor connectivity.
More and more companies endorse and adopt OSI standards as
the basis for their communications architectures. More and
more protocols are added to already existing OSI standards,
extending its usefulness to more and more application
Picture 7. OSI Deployment
User acceptance of OSI varies around the world. In Europe,
one company in three is now implementing OSI. Close to
another one in three is committed to implementing OSI in the
near future. An additional one in four is seriously
interested in OSI.
In the US, only one company in ten is currently implementing
OSI. Twice that amount is committed to OSI, and one company
in three declares an interested in OSI.
Adding the implementing, committed and interested segments
together, approximately 60% of US respondents in a recent
Yankee Group survey fall into this new segment. The situation
is similar in Europe, although the trend towards
implementation is more pronounced.
What we are experiencing is a time lag. The US market is
lagging the European market in the adoption of OSI standards.
Currently this time lag is in the range of one to two years.
Picture 8. Government OSI Profiles.
The time lag can largely be explained by looking at the
introduction dates of mandatory Government OSI profiles. In
the UK, OSI networking protocols became a mandatory
requirement for government information technology purchases
as early as in January 1989. Sweden followed suit in April
1989. Other Nordic countries made the same decision later the
same year.
In the US, a Government OSI Profile is in force as of August
1990, a full year and a half year behind the UK.
Based on current maturity of OSI protocol standards, and the
availability of OSI based products, the US can be expected to
close this gap in the near future. OSI is now poised for
growth, on both sides of the Atlantic.
It is also worth noting that GOSIPs typically include more
than just a subset of OSI standards. A typical GOSIP is
divided into four sections, a T-subprofile, an A-subprofile,
an F-subprofile and a C-subprofile.
The T-subprofile, for Transport, specifies OSI protocols to
be used for media access, internet routing and transport.
The A-subprofile, for Application, specifies the upper layers
of the protocol stack, from the session layer to the
application layer.
The F-subprofile, for Formats, extends the specification
outside of the basic OSI protocols, into the area of data
exchange. Here, the Electronic Data Interchange, EDI, format
is specified, as is the Office Document Architecture, ODA.
The C-subprofile, for Characters, deals with regional
character subsets, to correspond to the various languages
that have to be supported by implementations of OSI.
The inclusion of format standards have considerably added to
the momentum of OSI deployment. OSI based EDI implementations
are currently experiencing triple digit growth in most
industrialized nations.
Picture 9. OSI Evolution
OSI will not become THE multivendor standard overnight. A
long period of transition from currently used de facto
standards, to the de jure OSI Standards, can be expected.
There are four basic phases of this transition; pilot
implementations, subnetworks based on OSI and a long
coexistence phase before the ultimate dominance of OSI comes
In the pilot phase, the typical user will require a simple
platform onto which he can port a distributed application.
The user will install OSI in a controlled environment,
isolated from the operational backbone of his organization.
The pilot will serve as a knowledge build-up basis for the
application developer.
In the second phase, applications based on OSI emerge. The
former pilots become integrated with the corporate backbone,
but handles specific tasks. Which tasks will be chosen are
typically based on which unique OSI functionality has driven
the pilot to success.
To preserve the existing de facto standards based backbone,
dual or parallel protocol stacks need be part of the target
applications platform.
During the long coexistence phase, it is expected that OSI
will gradually overtake the deployment and use of de facto
standards. New applications will use OSI network protocols,
older applications are likely to stay with de facto
standards. Their peaceful coexistence is assured by the fact
that output messages, from the dual stack machines, can be
transferred over a common link. When application integration
become necessary between heterogeneous networking
environments, application layer gateways can be used. At a
lower level, multiprotocol routers enable OSI and de facto
standards to share a common media.
Standards exist for both the first two approaches, and
products have been entering the marketplace since early 1990.
If distributed applications need share a common link and
media, but in a single vendor environment so called tunneling
may be a temporary solution. Tunneling provides the
possibility to encapsulate messages based on one networking
standard, into frames sent by another networking standard.
As no standards for this approach exist, the multivendor
connectivity benefit of OSI will be lost when proprietary
tunneling techniques are used.
Picture 10. Multivendor Applications are the Future
OSI is rapidly becoming a commonly used base for multivendor
applications. The various OSI profiles specify a wide range
of links, transport options and application layer services. A
multitude of business applications make use of OSI file
transfer services, store and forward messaging mechanisms,
generic semantics for factory floor communications and
directory services.
In a truly distributed applications environment, additional
services are needed. In the area of Information Exchange,
standardized information structures are necessary additions.
Electronic Data Interchange, EDI, standards such as the UN
sanctioned EDIFACT provide a de jure standard for order and
invoicing applications. The Office Document Architecture
information structure provides de jure standards for compound
document transfers. Information exchanges are also aided by
additional services for virtual terminal support, VTP, and
graphics transfer, CGMIF/GKS.
Distributed processing is another area where additions to the
existing OSI networking base is necessary. Emerging
standards, such as OSI Remote Data Base Access, RDA;
Transaction Processing, TP; and On Line Data Processing, ODP,
will enable a whole new range of distributed applications to
become deployed.
In addition, de jure standards exist for the crucial task of
Network Management. As networks grow in complexity, the need
for accurate and efficient network management rises in
proportion. The CMIS/CMIP set of network management protocols
has been designed specifically with this in mind.
Picture 11. Applications Environments
Current deployment of OSI networks is closely linked to
certain application integration environments. Based on the
availability of OSI links, transport mechanisms and services,
software developers are beginning to develop off-the-shelf
distributed applications. Most of these applications are
ported from existing, de facto standard, network environments
and are highly customized for the intended end user.
Other applications are developed from scratch, making use of
unique functionality offered by the OSI services. These
applications are primarily based on the X.400 store and
forward mechanism or on the Manufacturing Messaging
Specification, MMS. Neither of these services has direct
equivalents in the de facto standards based networks
installed in the past.
Emerging application areas are to be found among
telecommunications and utility organizations, and in the vast
service sector. In the first category, Network Surveillance
is the key application. In the service sector, transaction
processing applications predominate. Airline and Hotel
reservations systems abound, as do car rental reservation
systems and, of course, automatic teller machines.
Picture 12 - 18. Applications Integration
To make use of OSI network functionality, an application
developer need not necessarily know the insides of each
service provided. Several of the OSI services are rich in
functionality, and their complexity may divert a developer
from using an optimized approach.
Recognizing this fact, major vendors of OSI development
platforms are now focusing their efforts on application
programming interfaces, or APIs. These interfaces are
intended as an aid to the application developer, providing
access to underlying services, but in a comprehensive format.
Like the services they interact with, the APIs are often
standardized to allow porting of applications between
development platforms.
In general, there is an API available for each OSI service
commonly implemented.
For the X.400 service, a vendor organization called the
API-Association has defined a series of programmatic calls
that simplify the development of electronic mail gateways.
Based on the API-A X.400 API, high level APIs have been
developed to cover other application areas where store and
forward messaging is required. Electronic Data Interchange is
the most commonly addressed information structure. The
Office Document Architecture, or ODA information structure is
another high growth area among software developers.
Other existing APIs are those specified by the MAP/TOP Users
Groups, such as the FTAM User Interface and the MMS-I
specification. The MMS-I, in particular, is an often used API
for the integration of factory floor applications. Based on
these generally available specifications, many developers of
Real-time Monitoring and Control software packages are now
adding OSI to their list of network protocol options.
In the highly developed European markets, APIs that allow
easy access to intermediate layers of the seven layer OSI
model are frequently used when porting older applications
into an OSI environment. These APIs primarily address the
need for access to the transport level of the OSI protocol
stack. the most common Transport level API is the X/TI,
defined by the X/Open group of companies. Other APIs to
intermediate levels are mainly derived from the CCITT access
Emerging APIs address the need for easy access to the OSI
directory services, X.500 and to the network management
protocol suites, CMIS/CMIP. Future APIs are focused on the
transaction processing protocols.
A developer using OSI will need a basic subset of the OSI
protocol stack, more often than not combining this subset
with additional information structures. In addition the
developer will need diagnostics and maintenance tools.
Perhaps he will even require expert systems for nodal and
network troubleshooting, tracing/logging control and
formatting, and statistics for fault isolation and
performance tuning. These are all tools available from major
vendors of OSI development platforms, usually free of charge
when a basic service is purchased.
Picture 19 - 20. Conformance and Interoperability
To be truly multivendor, applications using OSI products,
must be sure that the services, transport mechanisms and
links conform to the existing standards. Conformance to a
given profile, or part thereof, can be tested at designated
test centers throughout the world. Non-profit organizations
such as the Corporation for Open Systems, COS, in the United
States, or the Standards Promotion Agency, SPAG, in Europe
are recognized test centers for their respective markets. For
the Japanese market, INTAP provides a similar service.
In addition, a few vendors of OSI products have become
accredited by such test centers, and have in-house testing
capabilities to aid in their development efforts. At the time
of writing, Bull HN Information Systems Inc. and
Hewlett-Packard Company are the only COS accredited test
centers in the US.
Conforming to a standard does not guarantee interoperability,
however. There are various ways an OSI protocol can be
implemented, and numerous options to the basic services may
or may not be included in an OSI product. Interoperability is
the key to the distributed applications environment, and
should be demonstrated by an OSI vendor upon request.
Many vendors have long had interoperability testing programs
in place. By linking systems via OSInet, EurOSInet, OSIcom
and related organizations' networks, vendors can easily test
their respective product offerings for interoperability. In
addition, major trade shows often feature OSI LAN and WAN
interoperability as a key topic of the demonstrations
Picture 21 - 24. HP OSI Products
Hewlett-Packard offering of OSI products is divided into four
groups, Application Programming Interfaces, Basic Protocols
and Services, Links Level Products and Instruments.
The APIs are application developers tools and, like the OSI
services, based on standards. The MMS-I and FTAM-UI provide
functionality as per the Manufacturing Automation Protocol,
MAP 3.0. The X.400 API is a high level API based on the API-A
specification. In contrast to the full API-A specification,
HP's high level X.400 API is not intended for development of
Electronic Mail gateways. Rather, it provides specific
functionality for developers of additional applications using
the X.400 messaging services. These applications include
Electronic Data Interchange and Office Document Architecture
APIs also exist to intermediate layers of the OSI protocol
stack. The X/OPEN Transport Interface, X/TI, is provided for
developers needing direct access to the OSI Transport layer,
bypassing the above layers five through seven. The CCITT
access libraries are used to provide access directly to layer
five, the Session layer.
Currently, HP provides four service products. For Shop Floor
Control applications, MMS and FTAM are provided. For
Electronic Mail, HP offer X.400. A basic protocol stack, Open
Transport Services, provide the intermediate layers.
The services can be used over a variety of link level
products, including IEEE 8802.4 Token Bus, IEEE 8802.3
A instrument for developers of Shop Floor Control
applications is also provided, in the form of the HP MAP 3.0
protocol Analyzer.
Together, these products enable MIS departments, Independent
Software Vendors and Systems Integrators to develop
applications in the areas of Shop Floor Control, Electronic
Mail, Electronic Data Interchange or to develop customized
applications for specific environments.
Future products will be rolled out on HP-UX, MPE and Domain
operating systems. These products, including new services
such as VTP, CMIS/CMIP, TP and others will enable development
of applications in Network Surveillance environments and in
Transaction Processing environments.
Picture 25. Integrated Applications
Based on the Services and related APIs described above, a
range of applications have today been ported to, or developed
for, HP OSI networking environments.
For Electronic Mail, HP has its in-house developed OpenMail
application. KeyPak, from Keyword Office Technologies can be
used with HP Open Mail, and will then add formating according
to Office Document Architecture, ODA, specifications.
Electronic Data Interchange, EDI, translators conforming to
the UN specified EDIFACT standard are provided by Kaakontieto
and SAP, respectively. As is the case for E-Mail
applications, EDI uses X.400 messaging over LAN and WAN
For Shop Floor Control, six companies have added applications
to the basic OSI services. US based GE Fanuc, Hilco and US
Data provide Control packages containing real-time graphics,
trending, logging and databases. In Europe, Marex and MCII
provide similar functionality with their respective
applications. For connections to Siemens Programmable Logic
Controllers, Siemens itself is using HP OSI products to
incorporate OSI into its SINEC communications architecture.
Additional applications are being added on a continuing
Picture 26. Summary
Hewlett-Packard is today a leading provider of OSI products.
Seven years into its OSI program, HP provides a wide range of
OSI links, services and application programming interfaces. A
broad range of computer platforms, running HP-UX as well as
MPE operating systems support these protocols.
HP OSI products conform to Government OSI Profiles, MAP/TOP
and other profiles across the world. Interoperability with
other vendors is assured through continous testing, in-house
as well as through independent organizations and at trade
shows around the world.
HP's OSI customer base is now well into triple digits. Major
organizations are using HP OSI products for vital business
applications such as Funds Transfer, Electronic Mail,
Monitoring and Control of power distribution systems, Shop
Floor Monitoring and Control, Electronic Data Interchange and
What really makes HP different from other vendors of OSI
products is more than just products. The HP OSI offering is
combined into application development platforms, targeted at
specific business environments. Independent Software
Developers, ISV, Original Equipment Manufacturers, OEM, and
Systems Integrators have ported or developed applications to
the HP OSI environment. Business applications available today
include Shop Floor Control Packages, Electronic Mail
packages, Electronic Data Interchange translators and Office
Document Architecture formatters. More applications are being
added on a continuing basis.
The applications developers can make use of a broad range of
development tools, many of which are unique to HP, and which
greatly enhances productivity at the development site as well
as at the actual deployment site.